Early bird registration for RoboBusiness 2024 ends soon

Early bird pricing for RoboBusiness 2024 registration ends on Aug. 18.

Since 2004, RoboBusiness has been a leading venue for robotics developers, suppliers, and startups to meet, share lessons learned, and advance the state of commercial automation. Early bird registration is still available for RoboBusiness 2024, which will be on Oct. 16 to 17 in Santa Clara, Calif.

Early bird registration ends on Aug. 18! Full conference passes will go from $595 to the regular rate of $795. They include access to all RoboBusiness and DeviceTalks West sessions, the exhibit floor, the Engineering Theater, and post-event presentation downloads.

Student/academia admission will rise from $295 to $395, and expo-only attendee passes will go from $75 to $85. Similarly, full conference sponsor passes will increase from $595 to $795, and expo-only sponsor registration will go from $75 to $85.

Add-on tickets are available for the welcome reception, the Women in Robotics Lunch, and the Women in Medtech Lunch.

Catch robotics luminaries at RoboBusiness 2024 keynotes

This year’s event includes keynotes from industry leaders including:

They will discuss topics ranging from “New Levels of Collaboration in Robotics” and “Driving the Future of Robotics Innovation” to a live demonstration of a swallowable robotic pill.

RoboBusiness 2024 will also feature sessions in tracks focusing on design and development, building a robotics business, enabling technologies, field robotics, and innovation. Presenters and panelists will examine robotics investment trends, motion-control fundamentals, relevant standards, and opportunities posed by generative AI, among many other topics.

Robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks, co-founder of iRobot and Rethink Robotics, will keynote RoboBusiness 2024.
Robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks, co-founder of iRobot and Rethink Robotics, will keynote RoboBusiness 2024.

See exhibits and grow your network

More than 150 exhibitors will demonstrate the latest technologies at RoboBusiness 2024. The show floor will also include the Engineering Theater and a new Robotics Startup Zone.

The popular Pitchfire startup competition returns on Wed., Oct. 16. Participants will briefly pitch their innovations to an expert panel, and several past winners have gone on to successful commercialization.

Attendees of the growing event will also have opportunities to network around the Santa Clara Convention Center. Tickets are free for the networking reception on Wednesday, Oct. 16, but attendees must opt in during registration.

Add on-tickets are available to early bird registrants for the welcome reception on Tuesday, Oct. 15, and the Women in Robotics Luncheon on Thursday, Oct. 17.

Register now for early bird pricing for RoboBusiness

To take advantage of early bird pricing for RoboBusiness, register now. Sponsorships are also still available.

RoboBusiness will be co-located with DeviceTalks West, which focuses on the medical device industry. WTWH Media produces RoboBusiness, DeviceTalks, and the Robotics Summit & Expo. It also publishes Automated Warehouse, The Robot Report, and Collaborative Robotics Trends.

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Automated Warehouse Staff