Field Robotics Engineering Forum call for speakers open

WTWH Media invites you to submit a session abstract to be considered for presentation at the Field Robotics Engineering Forum, to be held October 19-20, 2022 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA.

The Field Robotics Engineering Forum is an international conference and exposition specifically designed to provide engineers, engineering management, business professionals and others, with the information, guidance and peer networking opportunities they need to successfully develop and safely deploy the next generation of robotics systems for operation in wide-ranging, outdoor, dynamic environments.

The Field Robotics Engineering Forum is seeking thought-provoking sessions delivered by compelling speakers in each of the four tracks listed below:

  • Technologies, Tools and Platforms Track – Sessions in the Technologies, Tools and Platforms will cover the latest advances in the ‘core’ technologies common to all classes of field robotics systems that allow them to “Sense, Think and Act”.
  • Development, Testing and Deployment Track – Topics covered in the Development, Testing and Deployment Track focus on robotics design, development, and testing tools, as well as standards and methodologies, that speed and ease the development and deployment of field robotics systems.
  • Markets and Applications Track – Sessions in the Markets and Applications Track focus on those industry and application specific attributes unique to specific field robotics systems, with sessions providing insights and recommendations into the optimal design, development and deployment choice for specific system classes.

Submission form

The entry deadline for submitting speaker proposals is June 30, 2022.

All speakers receive

  • Complimentary full registration
  • Admission to all keynotes, general sessions, panels, special events, breakfasts, lunches and receptions
  • Complimentary guest registrations up to two attendees

Co-located events
The Field Robotics Engineering Forum will be co-located with the RoboBusiness, an international conference and exposition designed to provide engineers, engineering management, business professionals and others, with the information, guidance and peer networking opportunities they require to successfully develop and safely deploy the next generation of field robotics systems for operation in wide-ranging, outdoor, dynamic environments.

Also co-located with RoboBusiness is DeviceTalks West, the premier industry event for medical technology professionals, currently in its ninth year. Both events attract engineering and business professionals from a broad range of healthcare and medical technology backgrounds.

Sponsorship opportunities
For information about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, download the prospectus. Question regarding sponsorship opportunities should be directed to Courtney Nagle at cnagle[AT]

Conference programming
For questions regarding RoboBusiness Conference & Expo conference programming, contact Dan Kara at dkara[AT]

About WTWH Media
WTWH Media is an integrated media company serving engineering, business and investment professionals through 50+ websites, 5 print publications, along with many other technical and business events. WTWH’s Robotics Group produces The Robot Report, Robotics Business Review, Collaborative Robotics Trends and Mobile Robot Guide, online technical, business and investment news and information portals focused on robotics and intelligent systems. WTWH Media also produces leading in-person robotics conferences including the Robotics Summit & Expo, RoboBusiness the Field Robotics Engineering Forum and the Healthcare Robotics Engineering Forum. See for more information.

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Written by

Mike Oitzman

Mike Oitzman is Senior Editor of WTWH's Robotics Group, cohost of The Robot Report Podcast, and founder of the Mobile Robot Guide. Oitzman is a robotics industry veteran with 25-plus years of experience at various high-tech companies in the roles of marketing, sales and product management. He can be reached at