Geek+ delivers AMR cross-docking solution to supermarket operators worldwide

Geek+ crossdocking illustration of pallets
Geek+ mobile robots support cross-docking operations. | Source: Geek+

Geek+ is revolutionizing grocery supply chain operations with its new highly-efficient, cross-docking solution leveraging autonomous mobile robots (AMR). The AMRs are able to deliver incoming pallet loads of product from warehouses or suppliers to sorting stations where outgoing unit loads are assembled and prepped for local store delivery.

Goods with short shelf lives can be quickly moved through the system, minimizing dwell time and potential spoilage. The inventory storage period is short and the picking speed is fast, thus optimizing the processing time at a cross-docking terminal.

cross docking chart
Cross docking enables quick mixing of loads while minimizing storage dwell time of individual items. | Credit: Geek+

In the distribution center especially, time is at a premium, with orders waiting to be filled as soon as goods are received. Whereas traditional cross-docking approaches could handle volumes of 150-200 cases received and dispatched per hour, Geek+ P800 robots process inventory at a rate of 300 to 500 cases per hour while retaining order fulfillment accuracy of 99.99%.

This puts food and other perishables onto supermarket shelves as quickly as possible and minimizes waste while delivering the freshest, best-quality ingredients to consumers.

Kai Liu, Geek+ co-founder and VP of Picking and Smart Warehouse, said: “AMR-driven cross-docking is a major boon to supermarket operations everywhere. By entrusting this crucial step of the supply chain to robotics technology, we can minimize the time foodstuffs spend in storage and maximize the time they are on the shelves where people can enjoy them. This is another example of how AMRs can improve our quality of life.”

Geek+ cross docking customer site
A typical cross-docking customer site with sorting shelving. | Credit: Geek+

With Geek+’s solution, whole pallets are received and directly put away and picked without unstacking. Sophisticated algorithms intelligently manage the inventory, compile order pallets, and then automatically deliver them to collection points.

The solution’s flexibility allows temporary storage and order collection to be done simultaneously in the same area. The reduction in space and overall steps between receiving and distribution possible means that one terminal can support more stores.

The solution can be implemented and operational in just two months, meaning that the boost in productivity and return on investment can be realized extremely quickly. Two global top 10 supermarket chains have already successfully implemented Geek+’s new cross-docking technology in their distribution centers.

Highly-accurate distribution, low return and damage rates, and extremely quick distribution are set to become the norm for supermarkets the world over. Geek+ stands ready to deliver the advanced robotics technology that will make that a reality.

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Written by

Mike Oitzman

Mike Oitzman is Senior Editor of WTWH's Robotics Group, cohost of The Robot Report Podcast, and founder of the Mobile Robot Guide. Oitzman is a robotics industry veteran with 25-plus years of experience at various high-tech companies in the roles of marketing, sales and product management. He can be reached at