OMRON launches midrange mobile robots with top modules

OMRON is bringing its new midrange MD-650 and MD-900 autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) to the U.S. and Canada. OMRON said the AMRs are launching as “complete solutions” with top modules from ROEQ.

The MD-650 and MD-900 provide a new mid-weight range option at 650 kg and 900 kg payload capacities, respectively. OMRON said the MD-650 moves at a maximum speed of 2.2 m/sec and the MD-900 moves at a maximum speed of 1.8m/sec. The MD-650 offers a battery life of 8 hours, while the MD-900’s battery lasts up to 7.5 hours.

“Manufacturers are adopting AMR technology at a staggering rate as the world moves forward from the supply chain crisis inflicted by the pandemic and it’s never been more important to launch complete, out-of-the-box solutions accelerating production automation projects,” said Kyle Hable, group product manager, OMRON Robotics and Safety Technologies.

OMRON said, however, that businesses looking to deploy AMRs often realize that an AMR without a top module is like a robot arm without a gripper. This is why OMRON partnered with ROEQ. The MD-650 and MD-900 can be used with both a lifter top module and top roller to provide more efficiency.

OMRON TML equipped with a ROEW Top lifter.
OMRON MD 500 and MD 750 AMRs can now be equipped with a ROEQ TML top lifter payload. | Credit: ROEQ

ROEQ offers accessories for a range of payloads

ROEQ said the TML500/TML750 Lifter is a flat top lifter that enables the MD-series to pick up, transport, and drop off pallets and cargo up to 510 kg with the MD-650 and 760 kg with MD-900.

A new ROEQ PR750 Pallet Rack is also available with a space-saving Multi-Rack option. An optional ROEQ Cargo Sensor Kit provides additional control to ensure goods stay in place on the AMR. The Lifter is available for both U.S. and Euro pallets.

ROEQ said the TR600/TR700 Roller is a heavy-duty top roller allowing the MD-series to pick up and deliver heavy goods, up to 675kg between conveyor stations. The full solution includes the ROEQ GuardCom system that provides additional safety and efficiency when transferring between the top roller and the receiving station, using robust sensor technology.

Both modules come with ROEQ Assist software and are compliant with safety standards. A ROEQ cart solution that can boost the payload capacity of the MD-series will be released later in 2024.

OMRON MD equipped with a ROEQ roller top.
OMRON MD 500/750 AMR equipped with a ROEQ top roller. | Credit: ROEQ

OMRON and partner to exhibit at MODEX 2024

“We’ve continued a strong partnership with ROEQ throughout the MD product launch to enable customers the shortest possible return on investment when combining OMRON and ROEQ products,” said Hable. “Now, customers can focus on integrating AMR technology into their unique processes more effectively rather than learning the intricacies of AMR project development.”

“Each company added their unique product know-how, resulting in a synergetic development process where we created a truly seamless experience between MRE and AMR on both the hardware and software side,” said Michael Ejstrup Hansen, managing director, ROEQ. “We are expecting significant market traction with any business needing to optimize internal goods transfer, free up manual labor, and reduce cycle times.”

For the lifter solution, the ROEQ Assist software weaves the three building blocks – AMR, lifter module, and pallet rack – into a full solution working as one. The same goes for the roller solution, where AMR, roller module, and the GuardCom System are all configured by the same Assist tool. The close integration delivers a smooth setup and installation experience and shows its strength in daily high and reliable performance, resulting in overall better total cost of ownership.

This is the first time the two companies have worked together on an integrated solution. ROEQ developed cart systems for the lighter payload OMRON robots back in 2022. The integrated OMRON/ROEQ solution will have its public U.S. debut at MODEX in Atlanta, GA, March 11-14 at ROEQ Booth A10912.

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Automated Warehouse Staff