Seegrid Launches Fleet Geek Analytics To Visualize AMR Material Flow

Seegrid launches a new software solution called Fleet Geek to help visualize your AMR material flow. This announcement is the latest in a string of product releases, including the recent Palion AMRs.

Fleet Geek Delivers Visibility Into Your Material Flows

Fleet Geek is designed to track and present information about your material flows in a unified console interface. The software is cloud-based, which makes it available on any device. Within Fleet Geek, your warehouse management team can track the flow of material through your facility and especially the material being handled by Seegrid Palion AMRs. With this information, your team can identify insights necessary to help optimize workflows, manage bottlenecks, or recover from incidents.

Seegrid Fleet Geek Screenshot

FIgure 1 – The Seegrid Fleet Geek gathers and presents information about material flow in your facility (image courtesy of Seegrid)

Fleet Geek and Supervisor make up the two key software elements of the Seegrid Fleet Central software solution. Seegrid Fleet Central is Seegrid’s fleet management solution. Supervisor provides control over a Seegrid fleet, managing the work distributed to an individual AMR with the facility. Supervisor is used by front managers or AMR users to control the work of the AMRs. Fleet Geek provides a higher-level view of the material flow, along with statistics and reports of where things are, and how they got there. The Fleet Geek dashboard (shown in Figure 1 above) is one example of the data presentation.

“Seegrid is not only a robotics company, but also a data analytics company,” said Jim Rock, Seegrid’s Chief Executive Officer. “Data-driven businesses are best positioned to keep up with fluctuating demands. Fleet Geek provides our customers with intuitive data visualizations and on-demand reporting to make well informed decisions about their unique workflows to scale their success. We’re committed to continue providing solutions that help our customers maximize the value of automated material flow.”

For more information about Fleet Geek, check out the Fleet Geek product page on the Seegrid website.

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